



Sabtu, 23 April 2016



Denotation is  the original meaning or origin ors actually  meaning is owned by   a le- xeme, so actually  denotative  is lexical meaning.
Denotation is the meaning of word  recorded in dictionares
            Denotation is  the truth conditions of sentence are the conditions under which is true.
            Denotation is the referential or dictionary meanings of a lexical item.

Conotation is
 The meanings would not be explicity stated in the dictionary,.
Connotation – the emotional associations of a word
Contation is secondary meaning of the word.Emotions or feelings are attached.
Conotation is  the personal or emmotional associations aroused by words.

The meaning ofConnototation can be .
Positive           .......     HIS BODY LOOKS SLIM
Negative         .......     HIS BODY LOOKS SKINNY                 
Neutral           ....        HIS BODY LOOKS THIN
Implication is
Meanings which speaker or writer think bus does mot communications directly. Where a listener is able to draw conclusions, or infer the intended meaning of what has been changed, this is known as a conversation.
“a bus”           ------   implicature    ---  we must run.
“ a smell “       ------ implicature   -----  we must  take a bath.
Dikutip dari : https:/www. Tech it.co.uk/arromore/lanf/semantic
Understanding semantic, by sebastian lobner
Linguistic primer for Malaysians, by yoga mahesan baskara.


Semantic definition is study of the relation between form and meaning. Or the study of meaning expressed by elements of a language characterizable as asymbolic system.
Meaning is reference to facts or objects in the world
Semantic is the study of the : tookit” for meaning, knowledge encoded in the vocabulary of the language and its patterns for building more elaborate meanings, up to the level sentence meanings. ( patrick grifitths;2006)
Semantic is the science that we study about the meaning of language, including words, phrases, sentences, symbols, and signals (Seno. H. Putra;2006).
Semantics is the study of meanings of words, phrases and sentence. The semantic analysis, there is always an attempt  on what the words convencionally mean, rather than on what an individualspeaker might want them to mean particular accasion. (georgr yule;2006).
Meaning as concept
Ø  Ogden and Richards suggested a model---semantic triangle (Figure1) illustrating the view of meaning as concept.
Ø  It is also called conceptual approach which believes the meaning of a linguistic expression is the concept, or idea or impression formed in the mind.

Semantics Triangel